Bulgarian Chilli Carrot
Next up we have the Bulgarian Carrot Chilli. This is still widely regarded as a mild chilli and for this reason it is suitable for most palates. It also a very popular choice for amateur chilli growers since it is both quick to reach harvest and attractive to look at. With a rating of 3 in the chilli challenge Bulgarian Carrot is twice as hot as a Poblano (or if you prefer 4 times as hot as the Anaheim). Whether shop bought or home grown there’s plenty of ways to enjoy these chillies. Why not try using them to make a salsa.
One of the best performers in terms of taste and the amount of crop produced. This is one chilli we will be growing again ! Highly Recommended with a decent spicy kick.
A little bit about Bulgarian Carrot ChilliAs you would expect this bright orange chilli originates from Bulgaria. The chillies resemble Carrots in shape and colour which is likely where the rest of the name comes from. Usually a heavy yielder keep picking the chillies to encourage the plant to keep producing whilst the sun shines.
Try using this in home made Salsa – it’s bright flesh adds some colour and it tastes great.
Growing tipsBulgarian Carrot chilli are one of the quickest to grow making them well suited to growing in the UK. They usually only take around 80 days to reach harvest from seed – you can probably get away with sowing these in April.
It’s mid summer and the Bulgarina Carrot Chilli is amongst the first to show signs of chillies growing.