
  • The Gold Medal Olympic Park

    7th August 2012Places to VisitStephanie Donaldson

    red-hot-pokers olympic park planting meadow planting cornflowers in meadow planting at olympic park echinacea purpurea at olympic park
    I loved my day at the Olympics and the high point was undoubtedly the planting – I’m not sure Synchronised Swimming is the sport for me, especially when viewed from the dizzying heights of the cheap seats at the Aquatic Centre. The annual flower meadows sown with the different colour-themed Sheffield Pictorial Meadow mixes were sublime, as were the perennial plantings in the borders that represent the different climate zones of the world. It was all very exciting and inspiring and wonderful to spend a day amongst people who were all having such a good time. And life would be hugely enhanced if only we could always have the endlessly helpful and cheerful people in the pink tabards who pointed us in the right direction, answered our questions and generally added to the gaiety of all the nations who mingled at the Olympic Park. An early
    visit to the site last year left me underwhelmed – yesterday I was overwhelmed. It’s wonderful and anyone with the opportunity to go should grab it with both hands. Why not book a ticket for the Paralympics at the end of the month?
