Testing, Testing
9th November 2010 • In The Greenhouse • Stephanie DonaldsonThe latest issue of Gardening Which includes trials carried out re-using growbags and potting compost. These achieved surprisingly good results provided there were no vine weevils present and the compost was given a boost with a slow release fertiliser, so I decided to follow their example. I added a smidgen of fish, blood and bone to growbags (previously home to tomatoes) and I’ve planted them up with rainbow chard, spinach and Russian kale. I will watch with interest. My other experiment involved the length of gutter which I clip on to the eye level greenhouse shelf . I use this in spring to germinate early peas out of reach of marauding mice. I had some surplus winter salad plants and, rather than composting them, I’ve planted them in the gutter and so far they seem to be doing rather well.
Salads in gutter
Reusing grow bags