
  • Spring at Sissinghurst

    6th April 2016Places to VisitStephanie Donaldson

    daffodils at sissinghurstspring flowersThere’s much to be gained by visiting famous gardens early in the season before they get too busy. Although it means that not everywhere is bursting with blooms, there are always highlights and it also allows you to see the details of the pruning and training that has been carried out overwinter.plant neatly trained plant trained against wall

    Best of all (for Sissinghurst) there wasn’t a single coach and, although it was the middle of the Easter holidays, it was easy to find a quiet corner.

    spring bloomsa spring sceneThe current head gardener, Troy Scott Smith is definitely making his mark with some noticeable changes happening – the hazel in the Nuttery has been thinned to open up the view, boundary hedges have been taken down to connect the garden with the wider landscape and areas of grass are being turned into wildflower meadows.

    view of statue through archI don’t think Nigel Nicholson’s Writing Hut has been open on previous visits (although he was in there writing the first time I went to Sissinghurst) so it was a real treat to go inside and look at the view through the rather lovely windows. Intriguingly he had it built to the exact proportions of Apollo 11 – apparently it was very much in the news at the time, but it is a very rustic interpretation – thank goodness!garden hut

    Definitely worth an early visit.
