Other things that caught my Eye Part 2
21st July 2009 • Hampton Court Flower Show • Stephanie DonaldsonAs ever, Jekka McVicar’s display showed herbs at their very best – and all organic too from www.jekkasherbfarm.com, while in the marquee Foxgrove Plants www.foxgroveplants.co.uk had a luscious display of diascias, penstemons and pennisetum.
Luscious display of diascias, penstemons and pennisetum | Jekka McVicar’s Herbs
Two plants in particular caught my eye at Hampton Court, a South African grass-like plant with intriguing cream flowers blotched with brown called Dietes bicolour. Apparently it does well in a sunny spot so it should do well in my garden. The other plant was on Warmenhoven’s stand where there was a fine display of alliums amongst which was this flower head that attracted this very busy bee – and me.
I was told that it is a Nectaroscordium meliofilum but I have been able to find no trace of it on their website or anywhere else on the internet. I will report back if I manage to find out where to buy this lovely bulb.
I’m off to Wales in the morning for relaxation and garden visiting and will be back blogging from my own garden on my return.