Mosorel Guesthouse
30th June 2010 • Places to Visit • Stephanie DonaldsonThe view from the guesthouse
Set among meadows, our guesthouse, which had only opened last year, was spotless and comfortable with a young proprietor, George, (I’m sure that’s not how it is spelt in Romanian) who seemed to do everything, including the cooking, with occasional help from his mother Mimi, who runs their other hotel in the valley. Even more impressively, towards the end of the week it emerged that George and his father had built the 4-storey hotel themselves. It appears to be a legacy of the Ceausescu era that people learnt many practical skills to survive – and they can now put them to more positive use. They have 21st century skills too – you can see both their guesthouses on their website www.pensiuneamosorel.ro. The setting was perfection and my main dilemma was whether to drink in the wider views or focus on the verges and meadows where the overwhelming abundance had me squealing with delight at every new discovery.