Mimosa Misery
6th February 2014 • In The Garden • Stephanie DonaldsonMy poor mimosa is not enjoying this wet and windy weather. In previous years it has bloomed happily even when its branches have been laden with snow, but these endless gales have wreaked havoc, stripping most of the flowers and foliage off the tree even though our garden is fairly sheltered. With no prospect of an end to the gales I do wonder if it will survive in anything remotely resembling an attractively shaped tree. Planting a mimosa is always a bit of a gamble, even in the milder parts of the country, and once bits start to die back it can be difficult to get it to regenerate. A misshapen mimosa is not a pretty sight. These two photos taken today show the most sheltered and most exposed branches – its hard to believe they are the same tree.
Sheltered Side
Exposed Side