
  • It’s Looking Marvellous at Merriments

    1st May 2014Independent NurseriesStephanie Donaldson

    national nurseries week poster for May 2014
    I’ve just returned from Merriments Nursery (Hurst Green, East Sussex) where I was preparing for a guided walk I’m giving with Helen Yemm (from the Telegraph) this Saturday May 3rd as part of National Nurseries Week. Helen will be talking about plant combinations and I will be encouraging those attending (and everyone else) to plant pollinator friendly plants. Merriments was looking very lovely as you can see from the accompanying photographs.

    Malus floribunda flowering profusely

    Malus (very) floribunda

    Ornithogalum umbellatum mixed with flowering Violets

    Ornithogalum umbellatum and Violets

    mixed violets photographed from above

    Mixed Violets

    Bright yellow flowers of Ranunculus gramineus

    Ranunculus gramineus

    The purple flowering camassias


    A sea of ornithogalum in flower.

    A sea of ornithogalum – perfect for a shady spot
