Seeds to plant in April
16th April 2009 • Timely Advice • Stephanie DonaldsonOver the past week we have had near perfect weather – warm sunny days and a couple of nights when it rained steadily, but gently. Of course this does mean that the slugs and snails have emerged from hibernation but I’m hoping that the application of the first batch of nematodes, plus a regular slug patrol and copper barrier tape will mean that they won’t have it all their way. I’m also going to give a new copper paint a try this year. Although it is expensive, it will last at least 10 years and can be applied to pots or the edges of raised beds.
Seed sown in the greenhouse:
In Rootrainers : runner beans, climbing Borlotti beans and Goldfield, which is a particularly delicious flat yellow bean.
In individual pots: Gem Squash – this is a trailing squash that bears tennis ball size fruit which are delicious picked fresh, but also ripen for winter use when they develop a rich nutty flavour.Planted out in the Garden:
The sweetpeas are now in position, the first of the spring onions have been planted out and a box of baby leaves has been positioned close to the kitchen door where it can be harvested easily.Planted out on the Allotment:
The first gutter of peas has now been planted out and covered with a mesh tunnel to keep the pigeons at bay. As soon as they have settled in and put on a bit of growth we will remove the tunnel and give them peasticks to clamber up.
Maincrop potatoes.