Cleve West – Nobody Does it Better
24th May 2011 • General • Stephanie DonaldsonThe lovely (and extremely modest) Cleve West has deservedly won the Best in Show award for his garden for The Daily Telegraph. Partly inspired by the way classical ruins sit within a landscape, Cleve has created a garden that marries these elements with contemporary materials and planting. It is a garden that reveals more the longer you look at it – it’s not shouty (a bit like Cleve) and the planting is subtle and pleasing. I loved the greeny-yellow parsnip flowerheads and the deep-red floating flowers of Dianthus cruentus.
textured and colourful planting
Japanese pagoda tree – Sophora japonica
‘Ruins’ in front of a soft yellow wall with water spouts
The greeny-yellow umbellifer is gone to seed parsnip