
  • Buying the right lawnmower

    23rd October 2013GeneralStephanie Donaldson
    by Daniel Carruthers

    Where to start ? A search on google for the term ‘lawnmowers’ brings up 6,550,000 results so there’s plenty of choice. There’s cylinder, rotary, hover, ride on and even robot mowers. I rather like the red ones but I’m not sure that is the right way to go about choosing one fit for purpose.

    A good place to start is to take a look at your lawn. Take account of whether it sloping or level ? Does it undulate or is it flat ? How big is it ? Armed with this information you are in a better place to make an informed decision. Like many lawns ours is fairly flat and of the sort of size that you might associate with village living. So how did we go about choosing the right mower ?

    The Spring Flower shows are as good a place as any to go to see a range of mowers from some of the big names. That’s where we purchased our first mower. After doing the rounds we settled on the stylish, environmentally friendly Honda Izy mower. It’s a petrol rotary mower which cuts through the grass using a high speed spinning horizontal rotating blade. Rotary mowers are competitively priced and consequently are the best selling type of mower in the UK.honday izy being used to mow lawn

    About the Honda Izy

    I recently purchased a new mower and ofcourse I went for another Honda Izy on the basis my last mower took years of abuse and never let me down. It was rust and lack of care that shortened it’s life but I had it over twelve years so I’m not unhappy about having to buy a new one. Here’s a short unboxing video showing how simple they are to set up should you choose to make the plunge :

    Now let’s take a look at some of the advantages of the Honda Izy.

    Advantages of the Honda Izi

    front view of honda izi

    • Adjustable front and rear wheels – choose a suitable cutting height anywhere between 20-74mm. Quite handy if your lawn undulates. On a high setting it’s good at coping with long, damp or rough grass.
    • Easy to start – one pull of the cord is usually all it takes.
    • Simple to set up and maintain – within ten minutes of opening the box you can be mowing your lawn.
    • Quiet (for a petrol rotary mower) – as petrol mowers go this has to be one of the quietest on the market.
    • The Izy is available as self drive or propelled. Rear wheel drive is optional and for larger areas of grass this would be recommended.


    When it comes to awards the Izy has performed well over the years and in 2011 it won the award for being the Best Buy Petrol Mower. Certainly in our experience the Izy has provided years of reliable service. For £324 you can buy a Honda Izy directly online from
