
  • Autumn 2010

    10th October 2010In The GardenStephanie Donaldson
    My pride and joy - Begonia sutherlandii

    My pride and joy – Begonia sutherlandii

    close-up of Begonia sutherlandii flowers

    close-up of Begonia sutherlandii flowers

    Strawberry Grapes - the bunches are smaller than last year but ripening faster

    Begonia ‘Escargot’ has magnificently marked whorled leaves and rusty red flocked stems (available here:”Begonia 'Escargot' has magnificently marked whorled leaves and rusty red flocked stems (available here:[/caption

    But perhaps the big star attraction is the new Dahlia Bangkok.

    Dahlia Bangkok has been the new star of the dahlia display

    Dahlia Bangkok has been the new star of the dahlia display
