
  • Healing Gardens

    19th April 2010Places to VisitStephanie Donaldson

    Last week Andrew and I visited a favourite garden on the outskirts of Hastings. Friary Gardeners, offers horticultural training and greater independence to people with disabilities.  This is my first visit of the year and as always it was hugely enjoyable and very inspiring. Everyone was hard a work in the sunshine and in a very chatty mood, telling us what they were doing and all about themselves.  The plants are of superb quality, so much so that they have recently teamed up with Great Dixter and are growing plants for them.  What’s good enough for Dixter, is good enough for me –  I came away with a  gorgeous Dicentra spectabilis ‘Alba’ for £2.50. Read more about Friary Gardeners . To find out if there are similar projects in your area go to
